
2022年1月13日—Themostcommonwayistouseacapturecardtorecordgameplay.Inthisarticle,wewillalsostatehowtorecordPS3gameplaywithoutcapturecard.,Finally,youcanuseaUSBpendrivetorecordyourPS3gameplayifyouhaveatoollikeSnagitscreenrecorder.Whiletheprocessisabitmorecomplicated ...,2021年8月18日—Withthismethod,youneedanHDMIbasedcapturecard.IpersonallyusetheElGatobrand,althoughwouldassumethatanycapturingdevi...

4 Ways to Record PS3 Gameplay

2022年1月13日 — The most common way is to use a capture card to record gameplay. In this article, we will also state how to record PS3 gameplay without capture card.

How to Capture PS3 Gameplay in 2024

Finally, you can use a USB pen drive to record your PS3 gameplay if you have a tool like Snagit screen recorder. While the process is a bit more complicated ...

How to record PS3 game play

2021年8月18日 — With this method, you need an HDMI based capture card. I personally use the ElGato brand, although would assume that any capturing device that ...

How to Record PS3 Gameplay Effectively [3 Useful Ways]

2023年11月15日 — Click on the red Record button or press the F6 key on the keyboard to start recording. After finishing playing gameplay, press F6 again to end ...

How to Record PS3 Gameplay on Your PC or TV

2023年12月5日 — You can learn how to record PS3 gameplay using various options available. Check how to do it with a capture card and iTop screen recorder.

How to Record PS3 Gameplay with a Laptop

2024年6月21日 — Plug one end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI OUT port of the PS3 console, and connect the other end of this HDMI cable with the capture card ...

How to Record PS3 Gameplay With or Without Capture Card

2024年6月18日 — You can record PS3 gameplay using your iPhone's default camera app. You must open your camera app, select the part you want to record, and hit record.

How to Record PS3 Gameplay withwithout Capture Card

No, unlike PS5, there is no built-in screen recording utility on PS3. The only way to record your PS3 gameplay is to use a capture card or connect your PS3 to your computer or TV and then use a screen recorder to record it.